European Travel Information and Authorization System
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Will the Common Travel Area continue after Brexit?

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At present, the CTA continues to operate. The UK and Irish governments have ensured the rights of UK and Irish residents in their respective countries with bilateral agreements. However, the situation hinges on the future of the UK when it comes to Irish reunification and Scottish independentism.
Northern Ireland has been pressuring Westminster to be granted a de facto opt-out system that would allow it to have a continuous open border with the Republic of Ireland, but that may pose problems with internal travel regulations across Britain.
Meanwhile, the Scottish national government is pressing to hold a new referendum on independence which puts an independent Scotland to rejoin the EU high on their political priorities.
UK citizens should keep up-to-date with travel requirements as the following year may be crucial to understand the future of their country.

What makes Ireland and Northern Ireland different?

The Republic of Ireland is Ireland’s official title. It is not part of the UK. However, Ireland is a member of the European Union even though it isn’t a member of the Schengen Area.
Northern Ireland forms part of the UK. Officially, it is the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland. The UK also includes England, Scotland, and Wales.
Even if the UK had not voted to leave the EU, ETIAS visa waiver wouldn’t have been valid to travel in the UK because the UK didn’t sign the Schengen Agreement. ETIAS is required to travel to the Schengen area and to countries that are in the process to join the Schengen region.
Northern Ireland is separate from Ireland. Northern Ireland will still be part of the United Kingdom, while Ireland will remain part of the EU.

What is the Protocol on Northern Ireland and Ireland?

The Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland is another key element of the Withdrawal Agreement. It was signed at the end of the transition period. Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland outlines the special status of Northern Ireland, and explains cross-border trade relations between Northern Ireland (and the UK). The protocol works to ensure that there is no physical border between Ireland and Northern Ireland (often called a “hard border”).
Many of the EU’s Single Market rules still apply to Northern Ireland despite the UK’s withdrawal. These include technical regulation of goods, agriculture, environmental protection and regulation and state aid (financial support by governments for businesses).
Any EU law or rules that apply to Northern Ireland in accordance with the Protocol generally include any changes or rules that take effect after the transition period. The two countries maintain cooperation in certain areas, such as transport, education, and tourism.

Why didn’t Ireland join Schengen?

Eire (or Ireland) is a member the European Union but has not joined Schengen Area.
The UK and Ireland have a Common Travel Area that allows passport-free travel to their citizens as well as the three British Crown Dependencies of Jersey and Guernsey, which are not members of the European Union.
Gibraltar will be included in the Schengen Scheme following the agreement reached by the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) for the post-Brexit period.
The UK refused to sign up for the Schengen Agreement, arguing that frontier controls are better than other methods to stop illegal immigration in an island country.
Ireland refused to sign the Schengen Agreement for its own reasons. It said that it was not in Ireland’s best interest to do so. Ireland would also impose exit and entry controls on people traveling between Ireland and Britain, as well as on the frontier.
The main reason Ireland didn’t join the Schengen Agreement was because they want to control non-EU citizens’ immigration status. Ireland does not belong to mainland Europe. Therefore, it makes sense for Ireland to manage their borders in the way that they choose.

How will ETIAS affect travel from the UK to Ireland?

ETIAS The European Travel and Information Authorization System will be in place by November 2025. ETIAS will be required to enter the Schengen area for citizens of more than 50 nations.
If you are looking to travel to Ireland, there may be questions about the requirements for ETIAS. Does Ireland belong to the Schengen area? Are they EU members? Isn’t Ireland a part of the UK?
ETIAS is a way to travel to any country in the Schengen Area. Ireland is an EU member, although it is not part of the Schengen area.
Keep in mind the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Only the former is part of the UK. As a result, many issues concerning the border between Ireland, the UK, and Northern Ireland have arisen in the Brexit negotiations. More information can be found below.
The simple answer is no. You will not require an ETIAS visa waiver in order to travel to Ireland. ETIAS travel authorization only allows entry to Schengen countries. This does not apply to Ireland. ETIAS can also be used for countries that are in the process to join Schengen: Bulgaria and Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania.
Non-EU citizens, however, who want to make the most out of their trip and visit European countries such as Spain, France or Germany will need an ETIAS permit.